Saturday, March 24, 2007

If you like the blog read the book. Not having served a term in HMI Prison for telling lies or polluting the planet with gas guzzling cars, ‘How Not To Teach’ isn’t exactly in the bestseller list. It’s just an attempt to chronicle the life of a primary school teacher in today’s education system beset by targets and continual testing, it’s not just a moan, there’s lots of humour as well.
Why ‘Mr Read’? Bookshops prominently display ‘Miss Read’s’ ‘Village School’ but that is a million miles removed from the reality of teaching today.
If you want to buy a copy please consider News From Nowhere, they are a cooperative based in Bold Street, Liverpool, and you can order it from them online. Or alternatively use any independent bookshop.
‘How Not to Teach’ is only available in a limited number of Waterstone's store. Like everything else a few companies dominate, half bookshop sales are through Waterstone's and after swallowing Ottaker’s they are talking about closing shops where there is ‘duplication’. Borders have also announced that they will be pulling out of Britain.
If you really must there is also Amazon.
I’d welcome any comments, critical or complementary.