Monday, October 29, 2007

New research by the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) shows just how much national school tests are a lottery. They found that children born in August did far worse than those born in September.
At present primary school children start in the term after their fifth birthday so those born later miss out on whole terms.
Of today’s eight, nine and ten year olds, 80% of girls born in September reached Level 2 or better at the age of seven. But only 47% of those born in August reached the magic Level 2.
The gap narrows with older children. At 11 64% of September born children reached Level 4 or better, compared with 48% of August babies.
At age 11, August born girls are 25% more likely to be assessed as special education needs (SEN) and for boys a 14% greater likelihood.
The effect was the same regardless of class, race or region.
More and more evidence and research piles up to show how worthless and unreliable testing is. Not only that it has completely distorted the school curriculum. The only people in denial? Step forward the Department for Children Schools and Families.
Labels: Testing